BioMedInvest AG I is a healthcare-dedicated venture capital fund based in Switzerland, providing private equity and mezzanine financing to early- to mid-stage companies in the biotechnology, emerging pharmaceutical, medical technology and other healthcare-related industries in Switzerland and neighbouring regions (Alpine Rim). BioMedInvest I was closed in 2003 and had a size of CHF 100 million. In 2011, BioMedInvest AG I merged with BioMedCredit AG.

BioMedInvest's investment strategy allows for investments in start-up companies looking for first round funding through to later-stage or spin-off companies focused on product development in the biotechnology, emerging pharmaceuticals, healthcare and medical technology sectors. 

BioMedInvest has invested in 20 companies, nine of which have successfully exited (six by a trade sale, three by an Initial Public Offering). The proceeds from equity investments are returned to the investors, whereas the proceeds from growth opportunites are reinvested.

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